The exact date on which the Incorporation of Bakers was founded is uncertain but it is known that the Incorporation existed long prior to its first official mention in 1556.
For almost three centuries ending in 1884, the Incorporation carried on the business of millers in mills located on the banks of the River Kelvin. One of these, the “Ancient Wheat Mill of Partick”, otherwise known as the Archbishop’s Mill and, in later days the Bunhouse Mill, was given to the Bakers of Glasgow by the Regent Moray in 1568. This was a reward for supplying the Regent’s troops with bread as they camped at Langside, prior to the battle, and whose loss forced Queen Mary into exile and death, in England. Successive Earls of Moray, have been elected to honorary membership of the Incorporation, and it is hoped the current Earl will also join, thereby perpetuating the link established more than four hundred years ago.
The possession of the mills gave the Incorporation of Bakers of Glasgow the unique position of being the only Incorporation which actually carried on business institutionally in the city. Though it no longer owns the mills, the Incorporation is still the feudal superior of lands adjacent to the River Kelvin, including those on which the houses in Regent Moray Street are erected.
Over the years, members of many well-known baking families of the City have been members of the Incorporation and today, although many of the companies and firms have disappeared, the names Beattie, Stevenson, Montgomerie, Bilsland, McFarlane Lang, Peacock, and Currie are still to be found in the membership list, as are the proprietors of the more recently founded private bakery businesses in and around Glasgow. The Craft elects 4 members annually to the Trades House.
Today the Incorporation is engaged in works of charity and benevolence. Christmas and holiday gifts are paid to needy pensioners and the Incorporation provides prizes for students of baking and allied subjects at the City of Glasgow College.
Master Court
Deacon: Lisa Ross
Collector: Jason Ross
Late Deacon: Anne Dobson
Late Collector: Tony Barr
Deacon’s Master: TBC
Ex Deacons: Scott Anderson, Silvia Ciferri
Trade Masters: Carron Dobson, Capt John Dobson, Alistair McAusland, Ann Hilley, Nick Woods
Honorary Members: Ex Deacon Sir Michael Bond, Ex Convener Idris Jones
Honorary Clerk: Ex Deacon Dr Rose Mary Harley OBE
Assistant Clerk: Katrina Tilston
Incorporation of Bakers
c/o Trades House
85 Glassford Street
G1 1UH
Tel: 0141 553 1605
Fax: 0141 552 5053
Meeting dates
Wednesday 19th February
Wednesday 7th May
Wednesday 6th August -Lammas Court meeting
Friday 19th September - AGM
Calling notices will be sent in advance of all meetings confirming start time and venue.
Find out more on our Facebook page.
To apply to become a member of the Incorporation of Bakers, please download and complete the application form and relevant Burgess Ticket form from the links below, and return to the assistant clerk, along with a copy of proof of identification and the applicable payment.
Cost for membership is as follows:
To join at the Near Hand £95.00
To join at the Far Hand £97.00
Once completed forms are received, they will be forwarded to the Master Court for approval.
Bakers Awards
The Bakers Award
Meritorious students from the Bakery Department of the City of Glasgow College, chosen by their lecturers as outstanding role models, are given membership of The Incorporation of Bakers and up to £250.00
This takes place at a ceremony at the end of the Bakers’ annual networking night in The City of Glasgow College.
The Incorporation of Bakers of Glasgow book
To view the updated (correct to 2001) version the book, please click here